
  • Noviarti Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia
  • Yosi Stefhani Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia



firm value, independent board of commissioners, Institutional Ownership, debt to Total Asset ratio


This study aims to find out empirically the effect of independent commissioners, institutional ownership and debt levels on firm value as proxied by Tobins Q. The sample used was 120 samples from 30 Infrastructure companies listed on the IDX for the period 2017 to 2020 and met the criteria. The method of determining the sample is based on criteria or purposive sampling. The data using the classical test, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing simultaneously and partially as well as a test of determination. The results of simultaneous research on the Independent Board of Commissioners, Institutional Ownership have a significant effect on firm value. Partially, Institutional Ownership has a significant effect on firm value, while the independent Board of Commissioners and Debt to Asset Ratio have no effect on firm value.


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How to Cite

Noviarti, & Yosi Stefhani. (2022). ANALISIS TATA KELOLA PERUSAHAAN, DAN NILAI PERUSAHAAN. Jurnal Manajemen, 6(2), 73–82.

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